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Industrial Machinery Manuals Is Proud to Offer 1 Digitally Enhanced Quality Bound Copy Of A:
Landis Landmatic Heat Treated Die Heads, Parts Manual
This Manual Covers Models:
½”, 5/8”
5/8” DDX
5/8” 5F , 7F
1 ¼” 10F, 2” 16F
¾”, 2” & 4” Trunnion
3/8”, ¾” 1”, ¼” WX
4” & 6” GIB
5/8” & 7/8” Z
5A, 5B, 5D, 5E, 7-A, 7-B, 7D, 7E
3” & 4” A, 32AX, 4-AX
5/8” 5C Taper Attachment Head
7/8” 7C Taper Attachment Head
1 ¼” 10C & 2? 16C Taper Attachment Die Head
3” 24C & 4” 32C Taper Attachment Die Head
4/24/35 Parts List with Taper Attachment
5/8, 7/8 & 1 ¼” H, Z 16HH
3/8” R and 9/16” R Lanco
¾”, 1”, 1 ½”, 2” R Lanco, ½”, ¾”, 1 ¼” and 2” T Lanco
6 48T
4/8” and 7/8” Lanco Type V
5/8” VV, 1”, 1 ½” 2” and 2 ½” VV, 5/8” and 7/8” VVV
7/8” VN2
¾” and 1 1/16” Lanra
¾” 6S Lanco, ¾” 6S Lanco, 9/16” 9S Lanco
1 ½” 12S, 6” 48R, 6” 48S
½” and 13/16” J, ½” and 13/16” JX
½” JN, 13/16”, 1 ¼” and 2” JN Landex
2HJ 22, 2HJ 23
5/8”, 7/8” and 1 ¼” L, ½”, 5/8” and 7/8” LL
½”, 5/8”, 7/8” and 1 ¼” LLL, ALT Collapsible Taps
LL Collapsible Taps
Style LT Collapsible Taps
Solid Adjustable Tap
Rotary Die Heads H-8, A-8, C-8, D-8m /E-8 and G-8
½”, 1 ¼” 2” 4” Pipe & Nipple Threading Heads
Names of Parts of the Yoke 1” 1 ½”, 2” & 2 ½”
Names of Parts of the Large Pumps for Threading Machines
¾” and 2” Little Lansta Heads
2” Lansta Head
1”, 2” and 3” Four Chaser
16 18 20 Die Heads
Names of Parts of the Model A Vise
Rack and Pinion Operated Carriage for Lead Screw & Non-Lead
Names of Parts of the Front Chuck
Names of Parts of the Rear Chuck
Names of Parts of the Lever Operated
Parts List – Cross Rail
Gear Box 4” 4 ¾”, 6” and 8”, 12” 16” 18” 20” & UP
Parts List 8 5/8” and 13 3/8” Pipe Threading & Cutting
This Manual Includes:
Parts Lists
Functionally Illustrated Drawings showing Component Identification
Some Photo Illustrations
This Manual Has 110 Printed Pages.
Year 1940